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Sher, from Australia, lives in Colombia (Health Coach)

Before my session with Becky I was feeling a little bit sceptical that online reiki would really work. I  was feeling really overwhelmed with everything happening in my life, I was feeling drained, unsupported, anxious and very tired. I felt really scattered and unclear about everything in my life and I could feel stagnant grief, anger and other emotions in my body and filling my head. However, during the reiki session with Becky I noticed that I could feel this energy powerfully being moved from my body making me feel immediately relaxed, clear and cleansed. I was extremely surprised at how renewed, refreshed, clear & energised I felt after the session, I felt like I had been placed in a new body. I had the reiki sessions a few days ago and I still feel like I have less anxiety and I still feel a lot clearer which is absolutely amazing. I would not doubt recommending Reiki with Becky as she puts so much love into everything she does and it is really beautiful and I am really happy I got to have this experience. 

Ishan, from India, lives in Germany ( software programmer)

I contacted Becky for a Reiki session because I was going through some personal issues and I noticed that my entire mindset had gotten really negative.  I am usually a very positive & happy go-lucky person and that’s where I function at my best too. 


However, over the past year or so I noticed that my circumstances were getting me to only have pessimistic and negative thoughts and I felt like I was losing who I was due to that.

As someone who has studied physics extensively I have always been a firm believer that we are beings made of electro-magnetic energy and the frequency with which we resonate with our universe is the frequency we attract to us. 

Just having a positive outlook helps you look for opportunities where in a negative mindset you’d either not even look or only look for problems.


I have had until now 3 sessions with Becky and I feel my entire energy has dramatically changed for the positive again. During our sessions I was able to feel the warmth, the vibrations and felt like a weight was lifted from my shoulders and a pit was removed from my stomach. 

I feel like I can breathe much deeper again.


I will definitely continue on this journey of self-improvement with Becky as my guide. I trust her 100%.

Liz, from the USA, (women's health practitioner)

I would absolutely recommend reiki with Becky. She has an incredible ability to perceive and work with energy, and you can feel that right from the beginning. Throughout the entire session I felt how she lovingly and professionally held the space. Becky feels like such a clear channel to transmit divine loving Universal energy - she was born to do this work. During the session, I could feel energy being released and activated within and around my body. I experienced some tingling and a profound sense of calm. I felt like I experienced new dimensions of self during the session, and afterwards I felt like I was walking on a cloud. I felt as if I could see and interact in a whole new way with the natural world - the plants and Earth around me - like a channel of communication had opened that I now had access to. I felt divinely supported and truly one in body, mind, and spirit. I feel like reiki supported me on an emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual level. It felt like all parts of me came together and were being nourished and loved all at once. I am already so excited thinking about the next time I will get to receive reiki from Becky. I know that it will be a potent transmission of energy that helps me to feel more renewed and connected in the present moment.


Ethel, from Estonia, lives in Wales (Finance Manager)

I had a raiki performed by Becky Bryan and to be honest I wasn’t sure about the practice at first, as I had very little knowledge about it. But Becky talked me through the process and answered all the questions I had before the session. The session itself was very relaxing, just what I needed in my busy life, Becky has the most soothing voice and immediately put me at ease. Once the session was over I felt like my batteries were recharged and i had the energy to take on the world once again. Thank you so much for this opportunity to experience this with you and can’t wait to do it again. I would highly recommend it. Ethel

Natalie, from USA (owner of Anxious Love Coach)

I did 4 reiki sessions with Becky for a month. I'm confident saying that Becky has had a gift with her hands since I've known her... but these were official sessions, ha! :) Our sessions were done online and the whole experience, start to finish, was so grounding, relaxing, and illuminating. I especially enjoyed Becky's guided meditations at the beginning of each session to set the vibe. She also gave me a playlist to play on my end, so when I closed my eyes, it felt like I was in a magical space with Becky right there with me.


She was able to intuitively sense things I was dealing with, like darkness, heaviness, brain fog... and use her channeling of universal energy to help me feel so, so much more clear and at ease.

I was a bit skeptical to try reiki over video call, but universal energy is universal energy. Becky is able to attune and channel all the same. I felt tingles moving up and down my spine as she worked on me. Pure magic. Thank you Beck


Oliver, from Germany, lives in Colombia (Entrepreneur)

Reiki with Becky was very powerful, I got to let go of my analytical mind and relax into the moment. Also in a way I could connect with my higher self which gave me a lot of strength and optimism. Becky is doing this with so much love and detailed focused it is incredible and a gift to receive Reiki from Becky .

Georgia, from Wales
(Teacher, Head of Department)

Doing reiki with Becky has been the most amazing experience. I have a very high-pressure job as head of department at a high school, and really felt I had lost myself throughout this academic year. I knew something needed to change, and so reached out to Becky. Despite never having tried reiki before, it was exactly what I needed. Becky makes you feel instantly relaxed and calm, even after the busiest of days. She pours so much love, care and attention into not only the sessions and the weekly meditations, but also the emails and checking in chats before and after the reiki. It's completely underestimated how important it is to have someone ask you with genuine interest and concern how you are feeling and give you an hour of pure self-care. I couldn't recommend Reiki with Becky enough, go into it with an open heart and open mind and the changes you feel will be extraordinary. I'm so excited to continue my journey into energy and reiki with Becky, thank you so much


Shiv Agarwal
from the USA

I really enjoyed my first session with Becky. I felt super safe and comfortable with her. We did exercises to calm the nervous system and some meditation before the reiki healing. I felt so amazing after the session.


Becky was really intuitive and I felt like she has real healing abilities. And she really listens and cares too! I'm looking forward to doing more work with her!

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